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Czech Republic

Regional Multi-Actor Platform | Moravia and Silesia

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About the MAP

In Czech Republic, the European Rural Development Network (ERDN) – Institute of Agricultural Economics coordinates the Multi-Actor Platform VENUS. This platform is based on the existing Local Action Group (LAG) Opavsko, operating in the Moravia and Silesia regions. During the first phase of the project, MAP VENUS  focused on the implementation of measures to reduce the impacts of climate change through systemic support for the implementation of energy saving measures, more economical use of energy sources and increasing the share of sustainable energy sources in the region.
By the end of 2021, energy issues had become the focus of attention of citizens, media and politicians due to global, European and national events that have resulted in the decline of many energy suppliers in the Czech Republic. In this context, the Local Action Group Opavsko created one of the first energy communities in the Czech Republic. The purpose of the newly established energy community is to work together in close proximity.


The activities of this MAP are designed to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • MAP objective 1: 1) Create a regional advice centre /one-step-shop/ and the position of energy coordinator.
  • MAP objective 2: Describe opportunities and barriers for establishing community energy in other locations.
  • MAP objective 3: Propose changes to promote shared energy in other localities. Recommendations for research, policy representatives, residents, business and NGO sector.


Local Action Groups (LAGs), Agriculture and Commerce Chambers, business organisations, universities, central and regional government, external stakeholders, consultants.

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