The political agreement reached in june envisages that every Member State submits a proposal for a CAP Strategic Plan by 1 January 2022. The Commission will then have 6 months to decide on the plan, save the time for necessary revisions.
While some technical elements of the legal framework remain to be completed through delegated and implementing acts, the agreement shifts attention towards preparation, approval and implementation of the CAP Strategic Plans.
Preparatory work for CAP Strategic Plans now intensifies, and the Commission continues to support Member States in this work at different levels. Informal bilateral contacts with Member States are important and greatly encouraged by DG AGRI. These contacts will help improve the quality and strategic orientation of the plans.
Find out more about the CAP Strategic Plans through the SHERPA Timeline for EU Programming.
More information on the dialogue between the Member States and the European Commission for the preparation, submission and subsequent assessment of the CAP Strategic Plans, can be found here.