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Regional Multi-Actor Platform | Wallonia

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About the MAP

In Belgium, the Ecorys team, supported by R.E.D., is coordinating the Multi-Actor Platform Wallonia. The platform will operate at the regional level.

Since the mid-1950s, the urban exodus from the Brussels conurbation has been accompanied by demographic growth in the surrounding rural municipalities of the province of Walloon Brabant. This has made Wallonia a region with diverse rural areas, specifically regarding the pace of the demographic change.

One of the most important tools of the rural development policy in Wallonia is the RDO or Rural Development Operation. It consists of coordinated actions undertaken or conducted in rural areas by a municipality for its revitalization and restoration.


The activities of this MAP are designed to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • MAP objective 1: Assess new decision-making tool to empower local communities and allow active public participation.
  • MAP objective 2:Better understanding how policy interventions enable rural areas to answer tomorrow challenges (EU Green Deal) and become vibrant communities, considering the solutions needed at our national/regional level?
  • MAP objective 3: Assess the potential of current social innovation and identify the research needs and gaps in this context?
  • MAP objective 4: Renewing and rebalancing rural-urban relationship through new proposals for relations between cities and rural areas.


Local citizens and businesses, representatives from civil society, NGOs, and land manager organisations, researchers, and policy-makers.

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