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Regional Multi-Actor Platform | Nienburg

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About the MAP

In Germany, the research group of the Thünen Institute of Farm Economics coordinates the Multi-Actor Platform located in the region of Nienburg. This platform has been established in 2019 in the H2020 UNISECO project and due to the results achieved, it aims for continuity of the engagement processes.

From the start, the MAP has co-constructed strategies for promoting the implementation of agroecological approaches that address the identified key sustainability issues of the region such as biodiversity loss and improvements in water quality. Recommendations were derived on how the implementation of agroecological practices can be initiated and enhanced and the sustainability of farming systems strengthened.

Within SHERPA, the MAP will focus on entrepreneurship and social economy, just transition, including sustainable value chains. This will contribute to key aspects of the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas (e.g. improving the resilience of rural areas through greening of farming activities and shortening supply chains, and prosperous rural areas through improving the value added of farming) and to the objectives of the Farm-to-Fork Strategy (e.g. accelerating transition to a sustainable food system through sustainable production, processing and consumption and fair economic return in the food chain).


The activities of this MAP are designed to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • MAP objective 1: To identify approaches for local and regional value chains that recognise the additional value of sustainable farming and food systems to society.
  • MAP objective 2: To co-construct recommendations for policymakers at local, regional and national levels on supporting transitions to sustainable food systems.
  • MAP objective 3: To produce a MAP Position Paper that synthesises the main lessons learnt and recommendations from the MAP activities.
  • MAP objective 4: To generate insights and lessons learnt on the challenges, opportunities and benefits in achieving long term continuity of MAPs across different projects and funding sources.


Representatives from society, science and policy.

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