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Regional Multi-Actor Platform | Iași

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About the MAP

In Romania, the European Rural Development Network (ERDN) coordinates the Multi-Actor Platform Iași, which operates at a regional level. The Romanian Institute of Agricultural Economics facilitates the activities of the platform.

The main challenges in rural areas of the Iași county are the dual structure of farming system (small number of very large holdings and prevalence of small farms), demographic shift, labour shortages, low integration of local farmers in food chains, lack of cooperation among farmers.

The platform aims to improve the value added of farming and agri-food activities by supporting the building of sustainable short food supply chains valorising the rural-urban linkages and fructifying the opportunities generated by the appetence of consumers on local agri-food products.


The activities of this MAP are designed to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • MAP objective 1: Establishing the group of active and involved MAP members to discuss main needs of rural areas for developing sustainable short food supply chains and possible directions of actions to support the building and integration of local farmers on short food chains.
  • MAP objective 2: Seeking agreement on the key dimensions of sustainability of short food chains in rural areas of Iași county.


Integrators on agri-food chains, NGOs, LAGs, farmers, research representatives and local government.

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