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Regional Multi-Actor Platform | Transylvania

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About the MAP

In Romania, the European Rural Development Network (ERDN) – Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Romanian Academy coordinates the Multi-Actor Platform Rural Transylvania. This platform operates in the West, North-West and Centre regions of the country. It was set-up with the support of the Eco Ruralis association of peasants and agro-ecological food producers. The Romanian Institute of Agricultural Economics facilitates the activities of the platform.

Some of the challenges in rural Transylvania are the demographic shift, lack of infrastructure and basic services, high number of small (subsistence) farms and high agricultural dependence of peripheral rural communities.

The platform aims to guiding strategic thinking among stakeholders for designing sustainable short value chains, through the integration of small and medium size farmers and other rural enterprises in sustainable food and value chains and building of urban-rural sustainable links.


The activities of this MAP are designed to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • MAP objective 1: widening the group of active and involved MAP members to discuss scenarios for developing sustainable short food supply chains and possible directions of actions to support the building and integration of local enterprises on short value chains.
  • MAP objective 2: seeking agreement on the key dimensions of sustainability of rural value chains in rural Transylvania.


Farmers and farmers’ organisations, integrators on agri-food chains, NGOs, LAGs, research representatives, local and central government.

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