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National Multi-Actor Platform

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About the MAP

In Slovenia, the Biotechnical faculty of the University of Ljubljana coordinates the Multi-Actor Platform SVARUN. The platform operates at a national level, building on previous cooperation with national stakeholders and engagement in the advisory council of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.

The challenges in the Slovenian rural areas are depopulation, climate change, conservation of natural resources, animal welfare and nutritional trends, and food waste. In this period, the platform will focus on social issues in rural areas to make these places attractive to everyone.

The aim is to establish a dialogue between diverse stakeholders of Slovenian agriculture and rural areas, and expand the knowledge base for evidence-based policymaking in the field.


The activities of this MAP are designed so that to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • MAP objective 1: Take stock of scientific evidence pertaining to social issues in rural areas and relevant for national agricultural policy in the frame of the CAP.
  • MAP objective 2: Adapt this evidence to national conditions to engage citizens, researchers and policy makers at the national level across the country in the design of recommendations for strategic planning for agriculture at the national level and taking into account future EU policy.
  • MAP objective 3: Use the outcomes of this public engagement to debate with policy makers at the national and EU level on concrete proposals for rural policies as well as for the future research agenda at the national and EU level.


Rural development network, youth association, business organisations, farmers organisations, central government, universities and research institutes.

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