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Regional Multi-Actor Platform | Norrbotten

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About the MAP

In Sweden, Nordregio coordinates the Multi-Actor Platform Norrbotten. This platform is newly established and operates at the regional level.

Norrbotten is rich in both material and immaterial resources, including Sami and Swedish cultures and languages, mountains, biodiversity, silence, polar nights, northern lights, and midnight sun, forests, minerals, mining, forestry, and farming.

The MAP will focus its activities on sustainable place-based development, skills and competence, smart ruralities, smartly adapted digital development, justice, including rural-urban relations.


The activities of this MAP are designed to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • MAP objective 1: Co-create a MAP Position Paper that presents the discussion points and outputs of the MAP activities in English.
  • MAP objective 2: Develop recommendations for policymakers on rural development linked to the topic in English and Swedish.


Civil society and businesses, regional research expertise on social innovation and digitalisation, and national, regional and leader organisations.

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