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DG AGRI launches stakeholder engagement toolkit for the Long Term Vision for Rural Areas


DG AGRI just launched a package of tools to support National Rural Networks and local actors to engage with groups of rural citizens to explore their ideal vision for the future of their own rural area. This process – “Welcome to our rural”offers a channel for rural people to contribute to the European Commission’s Communication on a Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas.

The package consists of a template for a two-hour participatory workshop that can be organised virtually or face-to-face, and run autonomously by stakeholder groups throughout the EU. For that, the toolkit includes a standard basic script, visual materials and a “harvest sheet” to record the workshop outcomes in a consistent format.

In addition to the materials composing the package, the European Commission highlights the Online Stakeholder Engagement Tool (OSES) developed by SHERPA as a useful resource to organise participatory workshops.

The toolkit and more information can be found here. To be taken into account in the European Commission’s work on developing a Long Term Vision for Rural Areas, the results of the workshops should be submitted by 31 January 2021.

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