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EESC report: added value of the CAP for rural areas


A recently published information report by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) overviews the CAP’s impact on the territorial development of rural areas. The report focuses on socio-economic aspects, analysing the relevance, effectiveness and civil society added value of the CAP.

The report highlights a number of key points on strengthening the CAP’s second pillar, to ensure sufficient support is given to rural areas to meet the wide range of economic, environmental and societal challenges; the attractiveness and the quality of life in rural areas; the social conditionality and decent working conditions for all; job creation and diversification of rural economy in rural areas; land abandonment; and social farming.

It stresses the importance of the role of women in farms and that of civil organisation. Furthermore, it highlights the need for consistency and complementarity of the CAP with overarching policy frameworks; and developing a holistic EU approach to rural areas and establish a Rural Development Observatory.

The EESC report is based on consultations with civil society organisations representing employers, workers and associations of various interests, as well as public authorities in five selected EU countries (France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Spain).

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