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EU MAP discusses foresight exercise results


On 19 January 2022, members of the SHERPA EU Multi-Actor Platform (MAP) met online to discuss the key points raised by MAPs working on the second stage of the topic “Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas”. The topic was addressed in 2020 by all SHERPA MAPs and their work contributed to the SHERPA Position Paper.

In 2021, various SHERPA MAPs decided to continue working on the topic and test a methodology that would allow them to formulate their ambitions for desirable futures.

The foresight exercise carried out by the MAPs aimed to prompting more ambitious reflections on the future of rural areas/communities and guiding the strategic thinking among stakeholders involved. In turn this helped develop pathways of change providing inspiration and a basis for decision-making.

The results of the exercise are documented in the MAP Position Papers, which will feed into a SHERPA Position Paper on the topic. The papers will be made available on the website.

Members of the EU MAP reflected on these results and provided suggestions and comments on how to formulate these into recommendations for policy and research.

The SHERPA Position Paper on ‘Alternative rural futures’ will be available in the first quarter of 2022.

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