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Impact of demographic change in Europe


The European Commission (EC) has published its first-ever Report on the Impact of Demographic Change, presenting the long-term demographic trends and the impact they are having and will have across Europe.

The document focuses on several drivers of demographic and societal change. It addresses how an ageing population will impact the labour market, health care and public budgets; as well as how differences in regional and local dimensions will affect the quality of life, infrastructures and access to services.

This report provides useful insights to support the development of the EU long-term vision for rural areas, that will be prepared in consultation and cooperation with all the relevant stakeholders. SHERPA is currently working on this topic (see SHERPA Discussion Paper) and will contribute to this important process with the views from 20 Multi-Actor Platforms set up in different European countries and regions.

Read the full report here, or visit the EC’s dedicated webpage on the impact of demographic change in Europe.

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