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SHERPA’s last EU MAP meeting: not a farewell


On 13th September, the SHERPA EU Multi-Actor Platform (EU MAP) met for the last time before the project’s end, scheduled by the end of September.

The meeting was an opportunity to look back at the SHERPA’s results along its long journey, as well as the added value of running an EU MAP.

EU MAP members insisted on the cruciality of running a platform where different rural experiences are brought and discussed together. In SHERPA, the EU MAP organised a total of 13 meetings.

Each meeting focused on different topics addressed by the discussions of SHERPA’s local, regional and national MAPs. The outputs of the EU MAP meetings have been used to inform the SHERPA Position Papers.

During the meeting, the project’s coordinator Olivier Chartier, stressed that this is not a farewell and that the SHERPA MAPs will be mobilised in the future when new opportunities will arise.

Find out more on the EU MAP here!

Published by Carla Lostrangio

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