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Targets and Tools for a Smart Rural Europe


On 15th March, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) voted the Opinion on “Targets and Tools for a Smart Rural Europe”.  This Opinion was presented by CoR’s rapporteur on the Long-Term Vision, Radim Srsen, who is also Mayor of the Municipality of Dolní Studénky in Czech Republic and supporter of SHERPA Final Conference.

The Opinion emphasizes the need to better use the smart village concept and partnership tools such as activities for the development of rural economy supported through the LEADER programme and Community-Led Local Development.

During the meeting, local and regional leaders from across Europe recalled the need for all EU policies to promote the attractiveness of rural areas and protect the quality of life of the rural population.

In particular, CoR members called for a clear focus on the need to foster the development of small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups in rural areas, as well as for better access to quality health and social care. Secure and sustainable access to digital infrastructure is a vital element in order to accelerate the digitalisation of business and services and enhancing the digital skills and training opportunities of people living in rural areas.

Read more about in the official press release!

Published by Carla Lostrangio

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