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The EU Multi-Actor Platform (MAP) is SHERPA’s rural interface established at European level to engage a mix of key actors from three target communities (science, society and policy) to exchange knowledge and to provide space for debating issues and priorities for the future development of rural areas.

The EU MAP ran in parallel to the national and regional MAPs and worked on ready-to-be-used knowledge drawn from MAP position papers, supporting the formulation of key policy recommendations compiled in the SHERPA position papers.


The overall objective of the EU-level MAP was to engage representatives from civil society organisations, researchers and policy-makers at EU level in exchanging knowledge, ideas and experiences, to draw recommendations for developing modern rural policies at European and national levels, as well as concrete proposals for the future research agenda.


Alexia Rouby, Arianna Pasa, Silvia Nanni (DG AGRI, European Commission)
Janis Krainis (DG REGIO, European Commission)
Klaus Boele (European Committee of the Regions – CoR)
Tom Jones and Vanessa Halhead (European Rural Community Alliance  – ERCA)
Goran Šoster (Partnership for Rural Europe – PREPARE)
Hannes Lorenzen (Forum Synergies)
Paul Soto (European Network for Rural Development – ENRD)
David Miller and Katerine Irvine (The James Hutton Institute)
Dominique Barjolle (ETH Zurich)
Olivier Chartier, Elodie Salle and Brigit Zomer (Ecorys)
Serafin Pazos Vidal and Carla Lostrangio (AEIDL)


15 July 2020 – The coordination group of the EU Multi-Actor Platform kicks off

8 October 2020 – EU Multi-Actor Platform works on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas

19 November 2020 – The EU MAP progresses on the common vision for rural areas

19 December 2020 – EU Multi-Actor Platform starts work on biodiversity and landscape features

8 July 2021 – EU MAP ready for the second cycle

25 November 2021 – EU MAP exchange on diversification of the rural economy

14 December 2021 – EU MAP meeting on climate change

19 January 2022 – EU MAP discusses foresight exercise results

7 July 2022 – EU MAP kicks off the third cycle of SHERPA

24 October 2022 – EU MAP meeting on social dimension and digitalisation of rural areas

16 January 2023– EU MAP meeting on climate change and land use, and resilient and sustainable value chains

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