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Title Document type Date
D7.6 Synthesis outputs adapted for citizen audiencesDeliverable16/11/2023D7.5 Second set of recommendations for development of future rural policiesDeliverable15/11/2023D7.4 Second set of recommendations for future research agendasDeliverable2/11/2023D4.5 Final SHERPA Online Repository UpdateDeliverable18/10/2023D6.4 Findings of monitoring and evaluation (Phase 2)Deliverable5/10/2023D4.6 Final Stocktake of research findings and analysisDeliverable29/09/2023D2.8 Practice Abstracts – Second BatchDeliverable25/09/2023D2.6 Compiled proceedings of Annual ConferencesDeliverable13/09/2023D5.3. Report on capacity building for MAP facilitators & monitorsDeliverable31/08/2023D5.4. Recommendations for self-sustainability of MAPs Post-SHERPADeliverable31/08/2023D3.4 Foresight prospects for the future of EU rural areasDeliverable4/07/2023Timetable of EU negotiations & policy developments: an overview of the rural policy framework post – 2020Deliverable15/05/2023Rapid appraisal of the CAP Strategic Plans’ objectives related to the socio-economic fabric of rural areas and their alignment with the long-term vision for rural areasDeliverable18/04/2023D2.7 Practice Abstracts- First batchDeliverable2/11/2022D7.3 First set of recommendations for the development of future rural policiesDeliverable3/05/2022D6.3 Synthesis report of the initial Dynamic Action Plans for 41 MAPsDeliverable29/04/2022D7.2 First set of recommendations for the future rural research agendaDeliverable31/03/2022D5.1 Methods for setting-up of MAPsDeliverable22/09/2021D6.2 Findings of Monitoring and Evaluation of MAPs (Phase 1)Deliverable26/08/2021D3.2 Framework providing definitions, review and operational typology of rural areas in EuropeDeliverable23/09/2020D7.1 Report on demandDeliverable9/06/2020D4.3 First Rural Research Outcomes Retrieval Using SHERPA Web Crawling ToolDeliverable9/06/2020D4.4 SHERPA online repository development documentation and user manualDeliverable9/06/2020D4.1 Framework for identification selection and evaluation of past and ongoing research projectsDeliverable9/06/2020
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