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SHERPA Conference 2022: Make it happen! Implementing the rural vision


Date of event: 31 January - 1 February 2022

Location: Zoom, Online

The second SHERPA Annual Conference: Make it happen! Implementing the rural vision, took place online during the afternoon of 31 January 2022 and the morning of 1 February 2022.

The conference built on the last edition, which was dedicated to the preparation of the EU Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. Furthermore, it focused on the work undertaken by the SHERPA Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) during 2021, on three relevant topics for the implementation of the rural vision:

  • Alternative rural futures (foresight exercise)
  • Change in production and diversification of the rural economy
  • Climate change and environmental sustainability

The event also provided the opportunity to highlight good practices identified in SHERPA and other Horizon 2020 projects.




Day 1

Introduction to the event | Olivier Chartier (Ecorys)

LTVRA – where we are now and how can SHERPA contribute? | Alexia Rouby (DG AGRI, European Commission)

SHERPA’s strands of work in 2021 & contribution to the vision

Stakeholder perspectives on how to implement the rural long-term vision | DISCUSSION GROUPS

Desirable futures & pathways

Climate change mitigation & adaptation

Environmental services

Digitalisation & smart communities

Farm diversification and food chains

Bioeconomy & sustainable management of resources

DAY 2 | The role of Science-Society-Policy interface in rural policy-making
Contribution to the local level

Contribution to the regional level

Contribution to the national Level

Contribution to the EU level

Role of rural interfaces in the next phase of the LTVRA

Sustainability of rural interfaces

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