Date of event: 31 January - 1 February 2022
Location: Zoom, Online
The second SHERPA Annual Conference: Make it happen! Implementing the rural vision, took place online during the afternoon of 31 January 2022 and the morning of 1 February 2022.
The conference built on the last edition, which was dedicated to the preparation of the EU Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. Furthermore, it focused on the work undertaken by the SHERPA Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) during 2021, on three relevant topics for the implementation of the rural vision:
- Alternative rural futures (foresight exercise)
- Change in production and diversification of the rural economy
- Climate change and environmental sustainability
The event also provided the opportunity to highlight good practices identified in SHERPA and other Horizon 2020 projects.
Day 1
Introduction to the event | Olivier Chartier (Ecorys)
LTVRA – where we are now and how can SHERPA contribute? | Alexia Rouby (DG AGRI, European Commission)
SHERPA’s strands of work in 2021 & contribution to the vision
- Taking stock of SHERPA’s work in 2021 | Elodie Salle (SHERPA Project Coordinator, Ecorys)
- Contribution to the local level | David Miller (James Hutton Institute)
- Contribution to the national level | Doris Letina (MAP SVARUN, Slovenia)
- Contribution to the EU level | Eleftherios Stavropoulos (DG REGIO, European Commission)
Stakeholder perspectives on how to implement the rural long-term vision | DISCUSSION GROUPS
Desirable futures & pathways
- Sabrina Arcuri (MAP Tuscany, Italy; University of Pisa)
- Patrick Crehan (POLIRURAL – H2020)
Climate change mitigation & adaptation
- Nicoleta Darra (MAP South Aegean, Greece; Agricultural University of Athens)
- Gerald Schwarz (UNISECO – H2020)
Environmental services
- Emilia Pellegrini (MAP Emilia-Romagna, Italy; University of Bologna)
- Davide Viaggi (CONSOLE – H2020)
Digitalisation & smart communities
- Mats Stjernberg & Michael Kull (MAP Suomi, Finland; Nordregio/LUKE)
- Elena Favilli (DESIRA – H2020)
Farm diversification and food chains
- Monica Tudor (MAP Rural Transylvania, Romania; Institute of Agricultural Economics)
- Sherman Farhad (MOVING – H2020)
Bioeconomy & sustainable management of resources
- Pawel Chmielinski (MAP Zielone Sąsiedztwo, Poland; European Rural Development Network)
- Holger Gerdes (BE-RURAL – H2020)
DAY 2 | The role of Science-Society-Policy interface in rural policy-making
Contribution to the local level
- Barbara Soriano (MAP Aragon, Spain; CEIGRAM)
- Marianne Groot (MAP Greenport Gelderland, Netherlands; WUR)
Contribution to the regional level
- David Miller (MAP Rural Scotland, UK; James Hutton Institute)
- Gerald Schwarz (MAP Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; Thünen Institute)
- Pedro Santos (MAP Alqueva, Portugal; CONSULAI)
Contribution to the national Level
- Victoria Vasary (MAP AKIS, Hungary; Institute of Agricultural Economics)
- Marie Trantinova (MAP Venus, Czechia; Institute of Agricultural Economics)
Contribution to the EU level
- Dominique Barjolle (EU MAP; ETH Zurich)
- Samuel Feret (MAP PACA Sud, France; CIHEAM-IAMM)
Role of rural interfaces in the next phase of the LTVRA
- Živilė Gedminaitė (MAP CBioLit, Lithuania; Institute of Agrarian Economics)
- Beatriz Guimarey (MAP Galicia, Spain; University of Santiago)
Sustainability of rural interfaces
- Bozhidar Ivanov (MAP Bulgaria; Institute of Agricultural Economics)
- Marta Mendes (MAP Centro, Portugal; CONSULAI)